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Thursday, August 16, 2018

Easy Home Remedies to Remove Hip Problems! |acid reflux problems?

Easy Home Remedies to Remove Hip Problems! |acid reflux problems?

Many people have acid reflux problems when your digestive system is bad. When the stomach acids come into the esophagus. Then it is called acidic reflux. This is called acetic acid in the common language. Inadequate sleep, stressful lifestyle, eating billions of fat fast foods, and causing pelvic defects in the body. Pitta symptoms appear as severe headache, heartburn, vomiting, feeling restless.

The biggest recognition of acid reflux is that this person is feeling uncomfortable and heartbeat. Sometimes there was a pain even under the chest. Some home remedies can also be treated on this.

1) Banana

Banana supplies high-quality potassium to the body so that the process of stomach acid produces is reduced. Also 'fiber' facilitates digestion of the body. Certain factors in the fruit protect you from the adverse effects of the acid. Eating grilled in the bile gives relief. B vitamins work as potassium poisoning and reduce cholestasis.

2) Basil

Anti-ulcer components in Tulsi protect against poisonous substances from the stomach / gastric acid. If you feel pelvic or uncomfortable, bite 4-5 basil leaves.

3) Milk

Due to the calcium content of milk, stomach acid production stops and ends its existence by pulling extra acid milk. Drinking cold milk reduces abdominal and chest inflammation. Milk is gelatinous and drinks cold and mixed with sugar or other substances. However, if it is a spoonful of spoonful of ghee, it would be beneficial.

4) Dill

Anti-ulcer ingredients in dill improve digestion and remove constipation. The disease reduces the stomach caused by burning stomach and causing irritation. Only charcoal grains help to reduce the symptoms of hives. If it feels uncomfortable with the pitta, it is advisable to boil the dill of water and drink cold water overnight.

5) Clove

Even if the clove is chili or red, the cloves pull extra saliva, improve digestion and remove the symptoms of hives. Cloves cause stomach disorders and gas disorders. If you have an ulcer in the hip, then hold it under a cloth donor, leave the juice from it in the mouth for some time. The intensity of the hives is reduced due to the jar as a. Due to cloves, the saltiness of the throat decreases

6) Cardamom

According to Ayurveda, cardiovascular disease works in the balance of vata, phlegm, and gall in the body. Improve digestion by using the whole cardamom with fragrant aromatic and medicinal properties. Reduces hives of the hip To get relief from the hives, crush the cardamom twice and boil it in the water, after drinking it after cooling the water, it will get immediate relief from the pile.

7) Pudina

Minimizing the intake of ammonia in the stomach. Improves digestion due to eruption Throat stomach causes stomach ache and inflammation. Cut off some mint leaves and boil it with water if there is a pain in the pile. Drink this water after cooling. Menthol 'digestion helps in the removal of heavy substances, headache, and colds.


Aloe is mainly used in the Indian kitchen. Consumption of digestion improves digestion. It also benefits from coming to cope with the stomach ulcer. Powdered red chili and five cups of acetate reduce. Swallow a small piece of relief from the hives. If you have a lot of pungent powders, then they should be boiled and boiled in water.

9) Amla

Tomato, sour taste is a cough and diphtheritic, and Vitamin C helps keep the esophagus and stomach clean. If you take a spoonful of powdered powder/powders every day, you do not suffer from leprosy. When eating with a sweet-sour, the body gets all the juice.

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